Wetlands and Woodland in the Wylye and Nadder valley

Funding and support is available to create farm wetlands and woodland that improves water quality in the River Nadder and Wylye headwaters.

Wetlands and targeted woodland are effective at reducing phosphorus loads. Wiltshire Council will fund these options to mitigate the nutrient contribution of housing development lower down the Hampshire Avon catchment.

EnTrade is experienced in nutrient management. Along with our project partners Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and Blacksheep Countryside Management we can provide you with the information and support you need to develop effective wetlands and woodland and be paid to create and maintain them.

If you have suitable land within the opportunity areas highlighted on the maps below, or on nearby sites that you believe meet the criteria, we invite you to take part in the scheme by proposing woodland and wetland locations, providing some basic farm information (so that we can estimate phosphorus reductions) and bidding your estimated price to create and maintain them.

Your bid will be treated as an expression of interest which Wiltshire Council will use to decide whether to negotiate a detailed price / design for a formal contract. You need to provide your expression of interest by no later than Friday 22nd January 2021. You can amend or withdraw your proposals at any time on the EnTrade platform up to that date.

Please click register or view further information below.

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Habitat requirements

We are on hand to support you in understanding the options we are looking for and tailoring them to your land - please get in contact with any questions or queries.

Please contact
Alice Baker, Water Team Manager, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust on 07872 117386 or email Aliceb@wiltshirewildlife.org
Simon Smart, Black Sheep Countryside Management on 07748 155143 or email simon@blacksheepcm.co.uk

Details of the habitat requirements are given below, these are guidelines, detailed specifications are available on the EnTrade platform.

Wetland locations

  • Within the opportunity areas highlighted on the map below
  • In valley bottoms, Intercepting yard or field run off with high sediment loads
  • On heavy ground / loams that are likely to hold water
  • On ground of low ecological value
  • In damp/seasonally wet field corners


  • Future access required to manage vegetation and remove sediments
  • Planning permission/environmental permits/exemptions may be required – location and size dependant e.g. for sites within 10m of a road.
  • Avoid sites where conservation/archaeological designations, such as tree preservation orders and scheduled ancient monuments may restrict activities.

Photo © Marathon (cc-by-sa/2.0)

Wetland opportunity area, search by location or use the map buttons to zoom in.

Wetland Specifications

  • Wetlands consist of one or a few shallow vegetated ponds in series that hold and slow the flow of water to remove sediment and nutrients
  • Size will vary based on water retention time required for treatment but will typically be between 100 -1000m2 A rough rule of thumb is that for every hectare draining to the wetland 200m2 is required – but this is highly dependent on runoff interception and will be determined at the design stage.
  • Wetlands of this size will typically comprise of a smaller sediment trap (<20% of the total basin area) upstream of a larger free or open water retention 'cell' but they could consist of multiple 'cells' depending on the space available.
  • Wetlands will have approx. 20% deep water and 80% shallow water of less than 50cm deep.
  • Gently sloping banks no more than 1:4.
  • As naturalised as possible and sympathetic to the existing habitat
  • Natural plant colonisation preferable - No need to quote for planting up, most sites will establish naturally (or can be sourced from other farm ponds)
  • Fence the wetland to restrict access by livestock or people.

For more information, see the constructed farm wetland guide from the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

Photo © Bill Boaden (cc-by-sa/2.0)

View the constructed form wetland guide

Woodland locations

  • Within the opportunity areas highlighted on the map below – or other areas which experience run off
  • In the riparian zone or wet areas that may intercept surface run off.
  • On ground of low ecological value
  • Not within 8m of main rivers
  • Orientated as to only partially shade rivers (50%) - advice available.
  • Not on archaeological features

Photo © Graham Robson (cc-by-sa/2.0)

Woodland opportunity area, search by location or use the map buttons to zoom in.

Woodland specifications

  • Plant mixed native species suited to the soil and ground conditions e.g. wet ground species such as Alder birch and willows.
  • Carry out work between 1 November and 31 March
  • Where possible use low ground disturbance techniques to establish the trees.
  • Fencing and or tree guards may be required to safeguard the trees though not advised in areas that flood.
  • Low density planting requirement for the scheme; 4m spacing, approx. 400 trees per ha. (higher densities are welcome)

Photo © Adrian Cable (cc-by-sa/2.0)

Expression of interest

In this expression of interest, we are looking for proposals that could be developed within 12 months, with estimates of prices for doing so based on your current understanding of the work involved, including long-term annual maintenance.

We appreciate that commitment to long-term land use change like woodland and wetland creation requires careful consideration and you will need to fully consider the value of sites proposed.

The prices you bid can consider impacts on your profitability, as well as the estimated costs of establishing and maintaining the sites. We also appreciate that the exact cost of some features – such as wetland creation – can be quite uncertain. The eventual contracts which are offered will include clauses which allow for variation or cancellation in light of any significant change in the likely costs relative to your initial estimates.

What we ask at this first stage is that you provide your best estimate, we can then assist in designing effective projects.

If you require any further detail on this scheme, please contact us.

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